As a mom, I know that there are many benefits of eating healthy for children

But this is a topic where it is so hard to get started!

There is so much information out there

And so much of it is contradicting! 

Well, I had an interview with a mom who has successfully lost weight, gotten healthy, and has given healthy habits to her children with simple steps.

She does this by balancing macronutrients

Read to the end to see the full interview!

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What are macronutrients? 

Macronutrients are the larger nutrients that we consume. 

They are:

  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fat

There is a misconception that carbohydrates is what causes us to be unhealthy and gain weight

But carbs are not evil!

They are needed for energy.

Even though it feels like children always have energy, they still need the nutrients that help balance that.

One of the benefits of eating healthy for children is that energy comes from a source that does not result in the emotional crash!

Carbs are not the enemy of out diets…

Imbalance is!

Examples of macronutrients and how we use them

There are three macronutrients

  1. Protein
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Fat

Protein is what we use to feel full

Carbs are what give us energy

Fat helps us do a few things including 

  • Store energy
  • Cushion organs
  • Absorb some vitamins
  • Cell membrane integrity

When we think of fat, we often think of that as a negative

But there are fats that are good for you, in moderation

The key to all of these is using in the right moderation.

You will see a trend that benefits of eating healthy for children starts with moderation and balance

When we look at food labels, we need to make note of these nutrients.

And balance the protein and carbs.

Usually the fat comes along with the protein.

So if we are eating a snack with 5g of carbs, we need to add 5 grams of protein to that snack to balance it.

Apple slices and a string cheese is a great example of this!

Why are macronutrients important to children?

As a homeschooler, my main goal is to teach my kids to be ready for life.

One of the major ways to do that is to teach kids about nutrition and cooking.

As with all things, it is best to start with the big picture.

With nutrition, that is understanding macronutrients.

In addition, eating balanced meals will come easier to them the earlier they start.

The benefits of eating healthy for children do not stop. They bring those benefits into adulthood as well.

If your kids start learning about balancing nutrients when they are 10 years old, it will long be a habit when they are adults.

Benefits of eating healthy for children

How do you explain macronutrients to children?

Children at different ages will need different methods of education

If you have toddlers, you don’t really need to explain macronutrients to them past a basic conversation.

You can mention that a food is full of protein or that it has carbs in it.

Just by using the language and getting them used to it, they will start to learn and understand macronutrients.

If you have older kids, get them involved in reading the labels!

Walk them through it and get them involved in meal prep

There are many ways to encourage your kids to learn

Just start testing things out and show them your excitement!

Remember, the last things you want it to show is obviously hate learning and doing this because that is what they will copy

What are the benefits of eating healthy for children and are macronutrients enough?

There is A LOT that goes into nutrition

So much that there are specialty jobs where that is what they do..

Help people with their nutrition!

However, that is not needed to get your family started on a healthy lifestyle

Start with learning and implementing the big stuff

Which are the macronutrients!

You can make small adjustments for the micronutrients when macronutrients are mastered..

But you cannot go the other way very easily.

Also, make small changes at at time

Our lives are made out of habits

And habits can be hard to change.

By making one change at a time, you are setting your family up for success!

By learning to balance macronutrients, kids will start to feel better

Our bodies are made to run a specific way

We need the carbs to feel good and have energy

Sugar gives them energy too, but that comes with a terrible crash

Carbs are the best fuel for our energy

Protein is to make us feel full

If we only eat carbs, we will eat too much and gain weight 

If we eat only protein, our body will struggle to function normally

Fats are usually in with the protein, and little is required

When kids are eating right, they will

  • Feel good
  • Have more stable energy levels
  • Sleep better
  • Have better gut health
  • Feel hungry less often
  • Have a healthier life in general

The benefits of eating healthy for children are amazing!

Even if they don’t follow the skills they learned forever, they have the tools they need to go back if needed.

The important part is making learning feel fun instead of restricting!

Family eating dinner gether

And are there any small changes that a family can make to start without getting overwhelmed?

One of the top things i have learned is that little changes are better than big changes

That is because little changes are more likely to stick!

So if your family wants to make some changes to get healthier, choose one small habit at a time to build

You can start with snacks since they are low stress

Replace or add to 1 or 2 snacks a day that follows the ratios for macronutrients

Learn to look at labels before buying to see what is in something before eating it

Don’t get crazy with it at first

But learning to read a label and teaching your child can do a lot all by itself!

I want to thank Alicia Jones, a macronutrient coach for moms, for meeting with me and sharing so much valuable information! 

Here is the full interview if you want to watch!

Watch for the full interview!

If you are ready to jump right into cooking, check out her recipe book!