As a mom, I am constantly thinking about how I can add healthy activities for kids to our daily life

I want the very best for them, and overall health is really important for that

There are two types of healthy activities for kids, everyday habits and once in a while activities

Both are important in their own ways

Everyday habits are what adds together to be a healthy lifestyle and they set them up for success in their future

Once in a while activities as some variety to life and they’re just a lot of fun

Teaching your kids to take care of themselves will be a gift that will give for the rest of their life

learning healthy activities for kids can make a huge difference in life

What Healthy Habits Do Your Children Need To Know?

There are a lot of different healthy habits and healthy activities for kids 

 but here are a few that are extremely helpful

  1.  Make Eating Colorful

 when we have a lot of different colors in our diet we are getting a variety of health benefits too

 that doesn’t mean that every meal needs to have a rainbow on it

 but diet, in general, should  have a variety of fruits and vegetables

  1.  Skipping Meals Is Not Good For You

 it’s common for people to start skipping breakfast when they want to lose weight or when they’re just busy

 this can be devastating in many ways

 without a real Calorie deficient plan, the only thing you’re doing is harm

 eating a healthy breakfast every day can:

  • Kickstart your brain
  •  give you energy
  •  keep you feeling strong
  •  and helps avoid chronic diseases

 Harvard found that eating a healthy breakfast is essential to losing weight, and there are many fast breakfasts

That brain activity and energy will help encourage other healthy activities for kids as well

So there are no good reasons to skip it!

  1.  Stay Active With Physical Activities That You Enjoy

 not Everyone likes Sports and that’s okay

 but finding healthy activities for kids to enjoy is essential for a healthy lifestyle

 encourage your kids to try different things and find things that they like

 make games out of outside time

 kids will naturally want to do things more if they find them fun

  1.  Read Everyday

 having a habit of reading often is amazing in so many ways

 it helps you build knowledge

 it’s great for self-care and personal development

 keeps the brain happy and healthy

 reading can also help build self-esteem,  create better relationships,  and overall success in life

 the important part as parents is to help kids learn that reading is a treat, not a chore

 encourage them to read things that they like and then they enjoy

  1.  Drink More Water

 I know… Water is super boring

 but it is so important for our health in general

 water plays a part in every part of our health

 one of the ways you can do this is by setting an example

 make a limit of other kinds of drinks for everyone in the house

 and maybe make a game out of who can drink the most water

 get creative and get involved

 kids learn best by following Model Behavior not just listening to what you say should happen

  1. Look at Food Labels

 Teach your kids  how to read food labels

 this will serve them so well in life

 teach them what they’re looking at what everything means and how to understand every part of the food label

 then teach them to check it regularly

You can make slight changes to the products you buy by looking at labels and make a huge difference for your health

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  1.  Is Spend time With Your Friends

Friendships and relationships are so important for development

Encourage it

Playing with friends teaches: 

  • social skills 
  • communication 
  • cooperation 
  • problem-solving 
  • and can have a huge effect on their performance in school

Most healthy activities for kids can be done in groups too!

  1. Stay Positive

Mental health is huge in today’s world.

It can be so easy to sink into frustration and fear

That makes more healthy activities for kids feel impossible

Teaching your kids to be positive and grateful will be a huge benefit for their life!

The brain cannot be grateful and fearful at the same time.

It is so much better to be grateful!

How Can Kids Eat Healthy at Home?

 I know it can be kind of scary, but adding cooking into your family routine can help a lot when it comes to eating healthy

Get your kids involved in cooking and teach them to cook for themselves

When they’re old enough to do it on their own, they can even take over a night or two

cooking is one of the best healthy activities for kids at home!

How Do You Teach Nutrition in a Fun Way?

What are the best ways to have fun while teaching nutrition is just to start cooking together

By getting your kids involved in choosing the meals, looking at the nutrition, and making the meals…

They are learning about nutrition while having fun

Other ways to teach nutrition in a fun way include:

How To Get My Child To Try New Food

We know that it’s important to teach your kids to eat healthily but sometimes that is easier said than done

As a mom as picky eaters, it’s very frustrating when they refuse to try new things

There are a few different ways of getting your child to try new foods

These are two that I personally tried and enjoy

  1. Two safe foods and a new food

When giving your child their food, add two foods on their plate that they either usually like or always like

And then on a napkin on the side, add a new food

There is no pressure or frustration to try the new food

And having it off of their main plate usually helps avoid those big emotions

But the more of that a child interacts with the food…

The more likely they are to try it

Be patient because this could take time

  1. Getting your kids involved in cooking

When a child is involved in cooking or preparing the food

They are more likely to be willing to try it

They are excited about the hard work that they put in

Or the fun that they put in

And are likely to be more open to giving it a try 

This is one of the best healthy activities for kids!

Teaching your kids to cook does not have to be as hard as it sounds

check out this post for some tips to get started

fitness is an important healthy activity for kids

How To Make Physical Activity Fun

Physical activity is something that a lot of kids naturally enjoy, adding some structure into it can be a lot of fun

You can do things like visiting a trampoline park or going to the skateboard park

Or just play outdoor games at home

There are so many healthy activities for kids outdoors, and they often create more on their own!

What Activities Can Be Done On a Rainy Day?

If you’re like me where it rains for half the year

Been keeping your kids active gets more challenging

But there are still things you can do

Some examples are:

  • A dance party
  • getting activity songs from YouTube
  • relay races
  • adding physical actions to board games ( like do the number of jumping jacks that you roll on the dice)
  • painters tape mazes
  • or creating a fort

Creating Better Sleep Habits

Having good sleeping habits is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle

Healthy sleep habits are becoming rarer and rarer

But it’s something that we need to prioritize

The other healthy activities for kids will suffer greatly without quality sleep

They are supported by good sleeping habits…

Create a schedule that you follow every day

It’s okay to go away from the schedule sometimes, but don’t do it often

And remember that if you don’t have a schedule now that it will take time to set one at a good time

My family, for example, starts bedtime routine a half-hour before bedtime.

We clean up all the toys,  get changed, watch faces, brush teeth, read a book, turn on the white noise machine, and then turn out the lights

By having a routine set in place at the same time every day…

Kids know what to expect and are usually more likely to go with it

don't forget that mental health is healthy activities for kids too

Mental Health Activities For Kids

Mental health is getting more and more important

Is getting more attention, but I believe that’s a good thing

Paying attention to your mental health and taking care of it improves a healthy lifestyle greatly

Your mental health is the back door end of everything

If your mental health is struggling so is everything else

So apart from improving nutrition and exercise,  there are other things that you can do to improve mental health for your kids as well

  • Do you have formations with your kids
  • Talk about the things that they’ve done well
  • Care about their thoughts and opinions
  • And try to take a little time for one-on-one interaction every day
healthy activities for kids starts with healthy activities for mom

Take Time For Your Health Too

One thing that’s important to remember is that kids learn by watching you

So to teach them to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle

You need a model with

That means you need to take time for your help too

Make sure that you cook for yourself 

Implement some self-care into your day or week

Work on talking nicer to yourself

And just generally loving yourself as much as you love your kids

 you want your kids to be happy and healthy, but you need to love yourself like that too 

 When they watch you…

 They will copy you

Where To Start With Your Family

Where to start with your family’s going to be different for every family

We all start in different places and have different priorities

But the important part is not to try to start everything at once

Choose one thing that you want to improve in your family and keep working on that until it’s just part of life

Then you can add something else

Getting another family to do it with you helps too

If you try to start too many new habits at the same time, you Are far more likely to do none of them

 It’s better to take baby steps than no steps at all