Communication games for kids can make this skill turn into a fun activity!

Communication is one of the most important skills that anyone will learn

Communicating effectively is important for every part of life

There is more to communication than just learning words though!

What is Communication?

Communication is more than just words

Communication is the exchange of information through the act of giving receiving and sharing

This can be done through talking writing listening reading  tone of voice and body language

Or a mix of them!

Something can be said by the time I voice can make the meaning the opposite

Which is what we call sarcasm

We can completely communicate our thoughts through body language

Which is where sign language stems from

So communication is so much more than just learning words

Communication is learning:

  • How to give information, 
  • Receive information, and 
  • Fully comprehend what is being said
Communication games for kids on pinterest

Why is Communication Important?

Communication skills is one of the most important skills in today’s world

But also one of the ones that struggles the greatest

Having good communication skills can affect many areas of a child’s life


  • Getting a job
  • Relationships
  • Education
  • Helping kids Express themselves
  • Helps create meaningful  conversations
  • Possibly boosting a child social IQ
  • Helping with written communication
  • Lowering chances of disorders like depression, social withdrawal, and low self-esteem.

Basic communication skills include:

  • Stop playing eye contact when talking to someone
  • Incorrectly and clearly
  • Not interrupting
  • Listening to others
  • Entering a conversation politely
  • Body language appropriate to conversation
  • Facial expressions
  • Tone of voice appropriate for conversation
  • Fully comprehending what I said before responding

A large majority of these skills is not directly., but is modeled by adults around them

Kids will naturally learn tone of voice and only really need to be taught if they are learning another language

There are so many games that you can play with your child to practice all of these skills 

Communication games for kids using a phone

What Are The 7 Cs of Communication?

There are 7 parts of communication that can help give you guidance when teaching your kids end playing communication games for kids

They are called the seven C’s of communication

And they are:

1. Clarity

Clarity implies emphasizing on a specific message rather than trying to achieve too much at once

When you include Clarity and communication games for kids,  it makes understanding each other easier

When thoughts and ideas are created with clarity, it is hance’s the meaning of the message

A clear message requires appropriate and concrete words so there isn’t a lot of room for interpretation

2. Correctness

Correctness is more grammatical

There are no grammatical errors in the communication you are having with your kids

The message is exact correct of all times

Directness and language boost confidence, I will help him greatly and professional situation is later in life

So even though having correctness isn’t required for  all communication games for kids…

It is important to include so they learn how to communicate appropriately and use the correct language in a message

3. Conciseness

Incisiveness Is How We Ready the communication is

How can express our message in as few words as possible

Conciseness is necessary for effective communication because it highlights what really needs to be said

By limiting words and providing a short in a sense a message, the messages more appealing and comprehensible to the person listening

In a lot less repetitive

Once again this is best in more professional settings and isn’t required for everyday life, but communication games for kids is a great way to practice the skills for when they are needed 

 4. Courtesy

When adding courtesy to communication games for kids this is focusing on how we send a message

Being fights and enthusiastic

And also heading consideration into the viewpoint and feelings of the end they are talking to

This helps kids learn to create a message that is focused on the audience they are actually talking to

And to talk to them with respect and without bias

5. Concreteness

Communicating with concreteness is the art of Being particular and clear instead of fuzzy and general

A concrete message would have specific facts, be clear, do, and cannot be misinterpreted

Having this skill would be very beneficial for any debate teams growing up or in a job as an adult

 6. Consideration

Consideration helps kids learn to have empathy for the person they’re talking to

Communication games for kids can include consideration by helping kids learn to” step into the shoes of others”

By giving respect to the audience and making sure not to harm emotions, they will learn to better communicate with people that are not the same as them

 7. Completeness

For a message to be understood that correctly the message must also be complete

When adding  completeness to our communication games for kids…

We are helping them learn to organize their message so that it is understood  effectively

It’s important to be able to give additional information if needed as well

Without having  completeness, communication which is not ever fully be  achieved

Completeness can also be used to help persuade an audience

Which means it would also be helpful for things like the debate team or In many areas of adult life 

What Are The 6 Types of Communication Activities?

There are 6 types of communication. All are important to understand, but not important to focus on all at once.

Children will naturally learn a lot of this, but sometimes additional support is needed.

  1. Verbal

Verbal communication is the act of communicating through words or sign language. 

  1. Non-Verbal

Non-verbal communication is the use of body language, gestures, and facial expressions to convey a message.

  1. Written

Written communication is communicating through writing, typing, and printing symbols. 

  1. Visual

Visual communication creates a message using photographs, drawings, sketches, charts, and graphs. 

  1. Informal

Informal communication is communicating to people who are close to you so there are less rules. 

This occurs when talking to friends, family, or people in an unprofessional setting. 

Using this language when talking to a professional, like a professor or an employer, is very inappropriate.

6. Formal

unlike informal, formal communication uses all the rules of communication to be professional and clean. 

Formal communication is appropriate for employers, professors, and other people in a professional setting. 

Just like informal, formal communication feels inappropriate when used in the wrong setting.

It would be weird to speak very formally to your mother at all times. 

If your child needs help in a specific area, knowing where to start is helpful when choosing communication games for kids.

If your child need support in written communication, then verbal communication games for kids may not be the best choice

What Games Can Help With Communication Skills?

There are many communication games for kids to play and varieties to meet your child’s needs.

A lot of learning communication is learning to mimic. 

So games where the parent says something, then the child says something are fun. And of course give the child turns to have you mimic too!

Adding narratives to everyday tasks is a fun way to learn communication.

One fun game to play is having two kids sit back-to-back. One student is looking at a picture while the other has a pencil and paper. 

The one looking at the picture describes what they see while their partner recreates the picture.

Role playing is another great communication game for kids!

For more ideas, check out this post and this post!

Communication games for kids can prevent fights
Good communication can prevent fights!

Non-verbal Communication Games

Non-verbal communication games for kids are a little less common but still fun!

Role playing can be used.

One parent is narrating what is happening in the story, while the kids have to express what is happening without using words.

Or play a matching game. 

Say one thing and use expressions to say the same or a different thing. 

Then have your kids decide if they match.

For example: You say “I am happy!” but your face has a frown. Those do not match!

But if you say “I am happy!” with a smile.. They do match!

Communication Games for Toddlers

Some great communication games for kids are:

1. Monkey see monkey do.

You make a sound, word, or do an action and have your child do it too.

Then have them do something for you to mimic! 

2. Peek-a-boo

This is a classic! But try adding more.

Add questions like “where is mommy?” or “where are you?”

Then add statements like “I see you!”

The more communication you can add to a game your toddler loves the better! 

3. Dancing together

When dancing and playing together, narrate what is happening!

Say things like “up!”, “Down”, “Spin”, and whatever else you are doing together!

4. How I’m feeling

This touches on non-verbal communication!

Talk about facial expressions and body language.

Connecting them to feelings is a great place to start!

There are unlimited ways to add more communication games for kids throughout the day.

Just get creative and have fun!

If you want more toddler ideas, check out these examples!

Let me know in the comments, what will you try first?