As a mom that doesn’t leave often, finding stay at home kid activities that helps with crazy energy is essential!

Hyper kids are hard!

There are so many options for stay at home kid activities, but I tried to focus on ones that help you with that excess energy

Enjoy these 18 ideas and have fun!

1. Mario run

If you go on YouTube and look up “mario run”, a variety of videos pop up.

This is one of my favorites, but there are SO many!

If you want an example of this activity, check out this TikTok.

This gives kids a fun, active, and no prep activity

Those are all things I look for when finding stay at home kid activities!

It is easy to find a movie to watch, but the energy levels are not getting any better.

I love the Mario runs because it feels like a game, gets their energy out, and doesn’t require energy from me!

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2. Indoor camping

Camping is a family favorite!

But as an Oregon family, the weather isn’t always the best for it.

So lets make camping one of our stay at home kid activities!

Grab the tent, flashlights, snacks, games, and have some fun!

This can be done in the living room or in the back yard.

3. Make a fort

Making a fort can give your kids an activity for hours!

Even better if you can add some STEM elements to it. 

With STEM, you give your kids the materials and tell them a basic goal (like make a fort)…

And let their creative minds go WILD!

4. Make an obstacle course

This was a childhood favorite of mine and can be done is SOOOOOO many ways!

Making an obstacle course can be as simple or complicated as you want…

And making one can be a separate activity from doing it over and over!

If you want some inspiration, check out this video!

5. Cook together

Cooking together can be many amazing stay at home kid activities in one!

Teaching your kids to cook is so important and has the perfect ending… 

A yummy reward!

Get creative and make things you don’t normally make along with the normal meals

You can do something like making noodles from scratch or doing food art!

Baking cookies with kids
Baking is one of the best stay at home kid activities! Fun to make and fun to eat!

6. Bake together

Similar to cooking together…

You can bake together!

Bake cookies, break, cake, and more

You can make goodies for your family…

Or make goodie bags for your neighbors and friends!

Stay at home kid activities could be a yummy surprise for anyone!

7. Read together and act out the story

Reading is one of the best stay at home kid activities, but it doesn’t really help with energy levels…

My solution?

Put on a show!

Have your kids act out what is happening in the story while you read the book for narration.

It is fun, creative, and helps with those hyper kids!

Music at home

8. Host a concert

Sometimes kids just need to be noisey!

Out of these stay at home kid activities, this is definitely a loud one.

Host a concert!

You can do this with toy instruments, real instruments, or even things in the kitchen.

The point is to have fun and let your kids be noisy in a mostly controlled environment.

9. Scavenger hunt

Scavenger hunts are great and can be done in so many ways!

They can keep the whole family engaged for hours.

There are different levels of complexity with scavenger hunts..

But here are some ideas!

10. Exercise Games

There are so many amazing exercise games!

If you look up “ brain breaks” on Pinterest, little 5-10 minute games designed to get kids moving pop up.

The stay at home kid activities are endless here!

11. Games like red light, green light and what time is it mr. Fox?

While I was working at a preschool, these games here a favorite!

My students would play them the entire time we were outside, and sometimes continued when we went back to the classroom!

Great thing about these games is that you don’t need anything except the players.

The videos are fun but not needed!

stay at home kid activities

12. Decorate cardboard boxes for pretend play

This is one of the stay at home kid activities that can last for hours!

There are two parts:

  1. Decorating the cardboard box
  2. Using it for pretend play

You can make a car and pretend to be driving.

Or a rocket and pretend to be astronauts.

The possibilities are only limited by imagination!

And we know that kids have a lot of that!

13. Indoor bowling

Indoor bowling is a ton of fun!

And you don’t need anything fancy

You can use bowling sets from Amazon or the store

But you can also just use bottles and a heavier ball!

14. Going on a lion hunt

Going on a lion hunt is a favorite too! 

It is better with the audio from the video

We just do what they say while walking in a circle. 

Encourage your kids to be over the top when splashing through the lake or climbing the tree!

The more energy they put in, the more they have fun and use that energy.

15. Dancing dancing all around

My son has be sing or play this song every day!

He loves it!

You just listen or watch the video and do what they say.

I like to encourage freezing in crazy positions for extra fun!

16. Dance party

If your kids don’t need as much structure, just have a dance party!

Play some of their favorite songs, and maybe some new ones, and just dance together.

They can dance on their own, or in your arms.

Both are fun!

I can keep kids engaged for an hour or two doing this.

17. Virtual field trips

Virtual field trips are getting bigger and bigger!

I actually create interactive virtual field trips (none are currently available to give out yet, but watch my free resources because they will be there soon!)

Other options are video virtual field trips like the aquarium, zoo, or dinosaur museum.

Go on an adventure and learn about new places together!

18. Virtual book fair

When everything in 2020 happened, a lot of digital resources were made.

Including a virtual book fair

Fun stay at home kid activities can be as close to going out as possible

Without actually having to leave

So Many More Stay at Home Kid Activities

The possibilities of stay at home kid activities are endless!

Some cost time or money, while other are no prep and free.

The important part of having fun and getting that crazy energy out!

WIll you be trying one of these ideas?

Let me know in the comments!