Teaching preschoolers to clean up is one of the best ways to keep your sanity as a mom

After they’ve actually learned how to clean up

I was standing in the kitchen when suddenly I heard it….

The crash that could only be the toy bucket dumping out

That’s one of the sounds that I dread hearing every day

I tried to buy a little heavier Toy Box so it would be harder but….

They still find a way to dump out all the toys

So the only logical thing to do was to really focus on teaching my kids to clean up

Why Teaching Preschoolers To Clean Up Is Important

Aside from the obvious of the being less work on you every day,

Teaching preschoolers the cleanup is also important for them

Cleaning up after yourself is one of the first responsibilities that kids get

Learning how to take care of responsibilities it’s a very vital part of being a functioning adult

The sooner that kids can get learn age-appropriate responsibilities, the more set up for Success they will be in the future

While kids are learning how to clean up, it will definitely be easier for you just to do it yourself

But that’s just a short-term solution

Learning to clean up toys is the first step to getting chores done later in life

You will not always be there to clean up after them and you don’t want them to depend on  you forever

The goal is to raise them to be self-sufficient adults that can take on the world

When teaching preschoolers to clean up…

We are giving them a sense of discipline, practical skills, a sense of responsibility,  and pride in their actions

These qualities will be very useful when they are older

And may make the teenage years a little easier for everyone

When children grow up understanding that they are responsible for their environment…

They start building an amazing foundation  for many areas of their life 

At What Age Should a Child Clean Up After Themselves?

It is believed that most children are capable of cleaning up after themselves by 18 months, 

But really it just depends on the child and how much you have worked with them on their skills

Kids don’t just naturally know how to clean up

Teaching preschoolers to clean up is really just teaching them a new set of skills

Those skills start simple and easy…

Like putting the toys back in the toy box

Or putting dishes into the sink

And the more your preschooler practices, The better they will get

And the more responsibility, they can start to receive more

 It’s important to remember to build a positive Foundation

Remember that you have been learning and practicing this for many many years

 And it is brand new for them

What Do Toddlers Learn From Cleaning Up?

There was actually quite a few things that preschoolers and toddlers learn when they learn to clean up

They can learn:

  • Mindfulness
  • Task management
  • Planning
  • Cleanliness
  • Safety
  • Organization
  • Appreciation of work
  • To value their home
  • To value order
  • Natural consequences

They will never learn to appreciate the work that is put into cleaning if they don’t do it themselves.

Having kids clean up after themselves can lower the initial mess too because they know that they will be the ones cleaning it up

How Do You Encourage Your Toddler To Clean Up?

That all sounds amazing… BUT

Have your ever tired to make a toddler clean up when they don’t want to??

Many times when a child doesn’t want to clean, there is a reason

Maybe they don’t want to stop playing

Or they don’t understand the direction words yet

Feeling overwhelmed is normal for all ages

When you know the root cause of the issue, resolving it becomes easier.

If they don’t want to stop playing, think about why they need to clean up

If it is just a mess then tell them that they can pull out the toy that they want again, but the rest of the room need to be put away

If they are overwhelmed, you can push all the toys into a pile or make it a game.

I feel overwhelmed when a mess is scattered all over the place too

Instead of just saying “clean up”…

Start with one section at a time and give them options

Ask them if they want to put the cars away first or the books

Either way, they are cleaning

But it gives them a sense of control over their life

Break down tasks into smaller tasks

Kids are new at cleaning and can get overwhelmed easily

Overwhelmed people do nothing!

Another important thing to remember when teaching preschoolers to clean up is to make it easy

Make sure their toy box is kid friendly

And you can make it fun with clean up songs!

Songs are a powerful way to learn almost anything

What If Your Child Refuses To Clean Up?

There will come a time where your child will still refuse to clean up

Teaching preschoolers to clean up is not a linear process.

One day might be perfect and the next is a disaster

The first thing that needs to be done is defining expectations

If you expect your preschooler to clean their room

Make sure that a “clean room’” is clearly defined

If it is a really bad day, make cleaning a group effort

The important thing is that you don’t do it for them!

You do not want them to learn that they don’t have to do their job if they throw a fit.

But also avoid matching their emotions.

Stay calm, listen, and find a solution together.

Maybe they can clean the clothes while you clean the cars

Set yourself up for success, not for a battle

9 Clean Up Activity Ideas For Your Preschooler

Using games and activities is the best way when teaching preschoolers to clean up

Or to do anything!

Kids are more likely to do something fun, engaging, and interactive

9 preschool cleaning activities you can try are:

  1. Cleaning to music
  2. Dress up to clean
  3. Racing
  4. Make a cleaning video together
  5. Scavenger Hunt
  6. Cleaning Jenga (write a task on each block)
  7. Pretend to be cleaning robots
  8. Play I spy, then put the things away when they find them
  9. Competition (don’t forget the prizes!

The important part of teaching preschoolers to clean is to: 

  • make it fun, 
  • pay attention to the root of a complaint, 
  • work together instead of dictating, and 
  • be clear with expectations

Try Not To Make Teaching Preschoolers To Clean Up Stressful

There will be times where teaching preschoolers to clean will be frustrating.

But it is important to make cleaning up fun and exciting

Teach your kids to be proud of their work to clean up

Turn it into a game or a dance party!

Cleaning with toddlers will be slower than cleaning alone

But it can be more fun and will set them up for success in the future!

Let me know in the comments!

What is your favorite way to clean with your kids?