I went on my journey to find the benefits of number recognition for preschoolers…

Because, as a homeschool mom, finding out what is important to teach my kids early on is important.

I needed to see if it is worth the effort before Kindergarten.

Some of the benefits of number recognition include:

  • Having something to practice that easily fits into everyday life
  • Growing a preschooler’s confidence in math early on
  • Begins critical thinking skills
  • Helps kids see the connection between symbols, words, and their use
  • Creates a foundation for all other math skills

I don’t know about you, but my goal is not to teach my kids to memorize and forget.

That is a major problem with how kids are taught in public school and college!

I went to college for 5 years and remember very little

One of the benefits of number recognition for preschoolers is that memorization is part of it…

But fully understanding how numbers work is the ultimate goal.

This builds a foundation that will stay strong as they continue to learn.

there are many benefits of number recognition for preschoolers
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What Is Number Recognition?

Before we can teach our kids number recognition…

We need to understand what it is!

Number recognition is the ability to know numbers by their name, their symbol, and what they represent. 

This process takes time and repetition!

Numbers are one of the first skills that kids learn that require critical thinking.

Because they are used in unlimited examples!

Kids can learn the word two is the same as the symbol 2

But they also need to understand that two is more than one, but less than three.

Each number has a word name and a symbol, and they are all related to each other in some way

There are many parts to know and understand when it comes to numbers!

Why Is Number Recognition Important For Preschoolers?

Preschool is the time when kids are learning to be a little more functional on their own.

That is why number recognition is important for preschoolers!

They will gain confidence in their math abilities

It is a skill that preschoolers LOVE to show off!

They will get a jump start on a skill that takes a lot of time and patience. 

That builds a foundation for success when Kindergarten starts!

And if you are like me, I don’t follow grade levels. 

So getting my kids started on number recognition when they are ready just makes sense

Number recognition is one of those academic skills that you can start practicing whenever you want to!

You can count chicken nuggets with your child at lunchtime, or carrots at snack time

That counts as number recognition practice!

Because your child will be able to recognize when a number appears in one of its forms (its use).

You can practice symbol recognition with coloring pages since most kids enjoy those!

The possibilities are endless and fun, which makes number recognition perfect for preschoolers to begin learning!

numbers are in toys
Numbers can be found on toys

The Benefits Of Number Recognition For Preschoolers

How kids start their learning career can impact them for the rest of their life.

The stronger they start, the more confidence they will have as they get older..

And do more complex things

Learning to feel confident in their ability to learn..

Especially math!

Will be priceless as they get older.

Basic math is used constantly throughout life

One of the most important life skills depends on math..

Money management!

So one of the benefits of number recognition for preschoolers is building a foundation that give them confidence for years to come

Another one of the benefits of number recognition for preschoolers is learning critical thinking skills

Critical thinking skills related to numbers is not complex, but it is perfect for getting a preschooler started

Critical thinking is the ability to:

  • Look at information
  • Analyze it
  • Then make judgements

Since preschoolers are just starting to learn critical thinking, having something that is low risk and fun will help a lot

Talk to them about their lunch or toys!

If they have 4 dinosaur toys, but you only picked up 3…

Talk them through that and practice!

Did you find all the dinosaurs?

How many are missing?

Just make sure that you start really small and simple

And expect to answer the questions you ask for a long time!

But even just listening and repeating the questions and answers will do a lot!

Numbers can improve outside play
Numbers can be added to most activities!

How Do You Teach Number Recognition To Preschoolers?

So now that we fully understand why we should teach number recognition and see the benefits of number recognition for preschoolers…

That is completely useless if you don’t know how to teach it!!

I have gone over a few ways you can start, but the ideas are endless!

You can use coloring pages to start recognizing the connection between word, symbol, and meaning

There are some amazing coloring books, and I am working on some of my own!

Another thing you can do is talk about numbers throughout the day.

Talk about numbers you see on their plate when they eat

Or how many toys they have

Use numbers for their arts and crafts

Just talk and practice…


The most important thing to keep in mind when teaching number recognition…

Or anything…

Is that preschoolers learn best through play and fun

So don’t take numbers too seriously!

If they master many numbers in a couple of months…


If not…

It is ok!

They are learning all the time, even if you cannot see it yet.

So just keep practicing and having fun.

Just by being mindful during the day and adding number recognition whenever possible…

Your kids will have a huge jumpstart on this important skill!